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S.F. Voters Want Tough Data Privacy Rules, But Obstacles Loom

Voter-approved Proposition B mandates that San Francisco create what supporters say would be the toughest data-protection policy of any U.S. city, and would go beyond California’s landmark Consumer Privacy Act. Now comes the hard part: writing the rules that will overcome legal, technical and enforcement challenges.


GOP Mayoral Candidate Greenberg Aims to Bring ‘More Centrist Viewpoint’ to S.F. City Hall

Once a Democrat, Richie Greenberg realized he was “in the wrong party” after failing in his 2015 bid for District 1 supervisor. Today, in a city where just 7 percent of registered voters are Republicans, he’s the odd man out in the mayor’s race as the only GOP candidate. “We don’t need activists leading this city,” he said. “We need leaders.” Fifth in a series analyzing the mayoral candidates’ records and pledges on housing and homelessness.