Phil Ting – District 19 State Assembly Member Candidate Response

See our November 2022 SF Election Guide for a nonpartisan analysis of measures and contests on the ballot in San Francisco for the election occurring Nov. 8, 2022.

The Public Press invited candidates to share audio responses to questions that we formed based on survey responses from the San Francisco community. Candidates for District 19 State Assembly were given the following question:

We asked San Francisco residents to tell us about the most pressing issues in their districts. According to survey responses we received, homelessness and housing affordability are the top concerns citywide. If you are elected to the State Assembly, what do you plan to do about these issues?

Phil Ting submitted this text response but did not provide an audio segment. Read Ting’s unedited response below.

As chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, I have continued to and commit to continuing to work to support people who are unhoused, prevent homelessness and allow for affordable housing to be built. 

Homelessness (2022/2023 budget)

Over $3 billion committed to prevent homelessness and provide services and housing to those experiencing homelessness, which includes:

  • $1 billion for Homeless Housing and Prevention Program in 2023-24
  • $700 million for Encampment Grant Program over two years. 
  • $100 million over two years to continue Veterans Housing & Homelessness Prevention Program

Affordable Housing

CA is in the middle of a housing crisis. The state continues to struggle with building affordable housing to meet the needs of low to middle income families. 

AB 2011, the Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act, will advance our goals by streamlining development on underutilized commercial sites while providing better benefits to our workforce.

$2 billion in this year’s budget for various housing programs:

  • $350 million over two years for CalHOME.
  • $325 million over two years for the Multifamily Housing Program.
  • $50 million for the Joe Serna Jr. Farmworker Housing Program.
  • $50 million for ADU Financing.
  • $500 million for California Dream for All homebuyer aid program.

I have also championed legislation to allow homeowners to build ADU’s by right and give the first right of refusal for surplus public land to be sold to affordable housing developers. 

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